First of all, I LOVE beautiful user experiences and visual products. Aesthetics and navigability are always a top priority on every project I take on, and I always strive to create products that are a joy to use and regard.
I’ve been taking art classes since I was old enough to hold a crayon. There, I learned about colors, shapes, composition, design, etc. in a huge variety of mediums.
I even learned how to wrangle words - especially those big, multisyllabic ones.
After college, I decided to put those writing skills to use in the practice of the law, but ended up gravitating back to creative work instead. My work in the legal sphere allowed me to develop excellent logic and analytical skills, in addition to reaping the benefits of contract drafting, research, and organization which have been instrumental in my creative work. It also gave me a healthy respect for deadlines, which can be a rare thing amongst creatives. ;)
Nowadays, those writing and editing skills allow me to create custom copy that pairs with the aesthetic I have built.
I have been lucky enough to get my hands on just about every area and stage of quite a few projects. Beginning with the creation of a business plan and financial strategy at project onset, and ending with the final design review, testing phases, and hand-off. All of the experiences in between have helped develop my eye for detail and hone the skills that help me to successfully guide design teams, and make my final products fluid, consistent, and aesthetically pleasing.